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zarin taslima
13 de jul. de 2022
In Discussões Gerais
It is always said that the occurrence of tragedy is not caused by a single cause, but caused by a series of misfortunes. The fact is that everyone is the protagonist in his own story, has his own version of the truth, and how to deal with the world. Chen Xue thoroughly sorted out the growth process and the influence of the external environment on personality traits through the respective origins of the core characters. , instead of exculpating or absolving guilt, hateful people often have pitiful things, as if their backs are facing the sun, staring into the abyss, reflecting the indefinable diversity of human nature, trying to examine the source of setbacks while uncovering the mystery, and relying on The power of literature seeks a little understanding and empathy. raumatic memory Traumatic memories are Company banner design trauma in themselves, both for the victim and the perpetrator, because reliving the memory is painful, or inevitably uncomfortable. People who have been hurt tend to suppress their memories so that they don't feel the pain again; people who have hurt others tend to bury their memories in their hearts to find relief and lessen their own guilt. Primo Levi, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camp, talked about this in his book "Extinction and Survival " , just to "remember", you have to constantly fight against society, relatives, self, and memory, and witness the effects of trauma on human nature. It has far-reaching effects, and memory will affect our past, present, and future consciously and unconsciously. So Ruan Viet Thanh can write that all wars happen twice, once on the battlefield, and once in memory, the past that has been forgotten all his life. In this book, Chen Xue once again explores the huge proposition of "traumatic memory" through genre novels. Song Dongnian and Li Haiyan are deeply suffering from childhood shadows and murder cases, which are manifested in various silent and closed character traits later on. They fight alone and desperately. Forgetting, but constantly being pulled back to the past, life has been stagnant since the age of sixteen, sometimes suppressed, sometimes escaped. However, fortunately, love and fate spared them the pain of starting anew alone. Li Haiyan opened up Song Dongnian's frozen heart for a long time, and Song Dongnian repeatedly proved his determination to rebuild his life together with his actions. The opportunity of , begins with the real feeling that "no one is an island". After all, there is no wine that can make people drunk from life to death, and there is no fear that can be dissipated in time. Once you give up your memory, you will forget your original appearance. Time cannot dilute the past, you can only find a way to reconcile with it and coexist with it. Love is always stronger than hate If people continue to avoid talking about evil, they will forget that love has redemptive power.
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zarin taslima

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