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10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Excision DOWNLOAD - Your dermatologist will explain to you why the skin lesion needs excision and the procedure involved. You may have to sign a consent form to indicate that you understand and agree to the surgical procedure. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medication (particularly aspirin, clopidogrel, dabigatran and warfarin, which could make you bleed more), or if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or a pacemaker or implanted defibrillator. Remember, to tell your doctor about any over-the-counter supplements or herbal remedies as a number of these can also lead to abnormal bleeding. The most common type of excision is an elliptical excision. The ellipse is often designed so that the resulting scar runs parallel with existing skin creases. This usually provides a wound under less tension and orientates the scar in a direction which is less noticeable to the eye. Background: Over 60,000 women are treated for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) each year in England, most by excision. Management of women who have incomplete excision is controversial and the subject of much debate. Consequently, the completeness of excision is often ignored in the planning of subsequent treatment. We aimed to assess the effect of completeness of excision on the risk of post-treatment disease. Methods: We undertook a meta-analysis of studies published between Jan 1, 1960, and Jan 31, 2007, that studied the risk of post-treatment disease (ie, CIN of any grade or invasive cancer) in relation to completeness of excision. Studies were included if they described treatment of CIN by excision; numbers of women with involved margins; prevalence of and numbers of women with post-treatment disease in relation to margin status. Criteria for post-treatment disease had to be stated as a defined abnormal cytology or histology. Studies were excluded if they described treatment of cervical glandular intraepithelial disease (CGIN); if all or nearly all women had reflex hysterectomy done soon after initial treatment; if women were immunosuppressed (eg, if they were HIV-positive); or if no control group with disease-free margins was used. The endpoint of our analysis was the relative risk (RR) of post-treatment disease in those whose treatment histology suggested that excision was complete compared with those in whom excision was incomplete or uncertain. RR meta-analysis was done by use of a random effects model. Findings: The initial Medline search identified 1756 publications, from which 125 publications were short-listed. Of these, 65 and one unpublished study met our inclusion criteria; therefore, 66 studies were included in this meta-analysis. These studies described findings in 35,109 women of whom 8091 (23%) had at least one margin of the excision biopsy involved with disease. After incomplete excision, RR of post-treatment disease of any grade was 5.47 (95% CI 4.37-6.83) and RR of high-grade disease (ie, CIN 2 or 3, or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion) was 6.09 (3.87-9.60) compared with the reference group who had complete excision. High-grade post-treatment disease occurred in 597 of 3335 (18%) women who had incomplete excision versus 318 of 12 493 (3%) women who had complete excision. Interpretation: Incomplete excision of CIN exposes women to a substantial risk of high-grade post-treatment disease. Some of these women would be safer with a second treatment, especially if deep margins are involved, but most will need close follow-up for at least 10 years. Every effort should be made to avoid incomplete excision. Adding extensive ablation in the treatment crater to compensate for inadequate excision should be avoided because this might delay detection of inadequately treated invasive disease and because the effectiveness of additional ablation to destroy any residual CIN cannot be assessed. Furthermore, extensive ablation does not decrease any risk of preterm delivery in subsequent pregnancies. Concern about world wide local recurrence rates for rectal cancer of 20-45%, together with anxiety at the recent proliferation of adjuvant therapies, led us to review the efficacy of total mesorectal excision (TME) with which no adjuvant therapy had been combined. Precise, sharp dissection is undertaken around the integral mesentery of the hind gut, which envelopes the entire mid rectum. This procedure adds to operative time and complications but has been claimed to eliminate virtually all locally recurrent disease after \"curative\" surgery. Independent analysis (J. K. M.) of prospective follow-up data extended over a 13-year interval (1978-91; mean 7.5 years). The actuarial local recurrence rate after curative anterior resection at 5 years is 4% (95% Cl 0-7.5%) and the overall recurrence rate is 18% (10-25%). 10-year figures are 4% (0-11%) and 19% (7-32%). In view of the high-risk classification used for the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG), which has led to a trend to chemoradiotherapy, a similar group of high-risk Basingstoke cases was constructed for comparison purposes. This group included 135 consecutive Dukes' B (B2) and Dukes' C cancer operations, both anterior resection and abdominal-perineal excision, for tumours below 12 cm from the anal verge. Results from TME alone are substantially superior to the best reported (NCCTG) from conventional surgery plus radiotherapy or combination chemoradiotherapy: 5% local recurrence at 5 years compared with 25% and 13.5%, respectively; and 22% overall recurrence compared with 62.7% and 41.5%, respectively (Dukes' B cases [B2], 15%; Dukes' C cases, 32%). Meticulous TME, which encompasses the whole field of tumour spread, can improve cure rates and reduce the variability of outcomes between surgeons. Far more genuine \"cures\" of rectal cancer are possible by surgery alone than have generally been believed or are currently accepted. Better surgical results are an essential background for the more selective use of adjuvant therapy in the future. Genomes are constantly threatened by DNA damage, but cells can remove a large variety of DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair (NER)1. Mutations in NER factors compromise cellular fitness and cause human diseases, such as Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne syndrome, and trichothiodystrophy (TTD)2,3. The NER machinery is built around the multisubunit transcription factor IIH (TFIIH), which opens the DNA repair bubble, scans for the lesion, and coordinates excision of the damaged DNA single-strand fragment1,4. TFIIH consists of a kinase module and a core module that contains the ATPases XPB and XPD5. The structure further suggests how XPD verifies the lesion during DNA scanning. The DNA single strand extends into a pore formed by the ATPase lobe 1, the iron-sulfur cluster (FeS) domain, and the Arch domain (Fig. 4a). The sugar-phosphate backbone is bound by residues in the FeS domain, including Y192 and R196, which were implicated in DNA lesion sensing29 (Fig. 4b). Residues R112 and C134 bridge between DNA and the FeS cluster (Supplementary Fig. 4d), which was suggested to be involved in lesion detection via DNA-mediated charge transfer30. The FeS cluster is flanked by two protein pockets that are lined with aromatic residues Y158, F161, and F193 and may proof-read DNA bases, as observed for base excision DNA repair31. Before trying to understand why laparoscopic deep excision surgery is the most effective in thoroughly removing all endometriosis lesions, we will look into some of the limitations of current approaches: An endometriosis lesion is like an iceberg with just the peak being visible while the actual bulk of the lesion is still within the underlying tissue. The underlying part of the lesion can regrow again leading to recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, complete excision of all visible endometriosis lesions is essential for full symptom alleviation and to prevent a recurrence. MassHealth requires prior authorization for excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue. MassHealth reviews requests for prior authorization on the basis of medical necessity. If MassHealth approves the request, payment is still subject to all general conditions of MassHealth, including member eligibility, other insurance, and program restrictions. There are many different types of surgical excisions. Some may be performed on an outpatient basis in a healthcare provider's office with no anesthesia. Others may require open surgery with general anesthesia in a hospital. A resection means surgically removing an entire organ, a whole section of an organ (like a lung lobe), or an entire body part. An excision means removing a portion of a body part or a complete section of tissue. For example, a mastectomy is the resection of an entire breast, while a lumpectomy is the excision of a tumor from a breast. Yes, you can have a surgical excision to remove a tattoo. The skin with ink is cut out from the surrounding skin, and the wound is closed with sutures. The procedure may require local or general anesthesia and usually leaves a scar. Non-malignant skin lesion (other than viral verrucae (common warts) and seborrheic keratoses), including a cyst, ulcer or scar (other than a scar removed during the surgical approach at an operation), surgical excision (other than by shave excision) and repair of, if: The excision of warts and seborrheic keratoses attracts benefits on an attendance basis with the exceptions outlined in TN.8.9 of the explanatory notes to this category. Excision of pre-malignant lesions including solar keratoses where clinically indicated are covered by items 31357, 31360, 31362, 31364, 31366, 31368 and 31370. The necessary excision diameter (or defect size) refers to the lesion size plus a clinically appropriate margin of healthy tissue required with the intent of complete surgical excision. Measurements should be taken prior to excision. Margin size should be determined in line with current NHMRC guidelines. For the purpose of items 31356 to 31383, the defect size is calculated by the average of the width and the length of the skin lesion and an appropriate margin. The necessary excision diameter is calculated as shown in the Factsheet at this link: Determining lesion size for MBS selection 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
CALL OF DUTY WWII SHADOW WAR(2017) Download File >> star wars jedi fallen order deluxe edition fitgirl repack free download.. the call of duty 4 engine, treyarch brings the franchise back to world war ii,. call of duty: wwii digital deluxe edition (english pack only) unlimited gems fsx. full call of duty world at war free download pc game repack with online. prey (2017) : digital deluxe edition released on gog with 100% drm free www. middle earth shadow of war incl 2 dlcs multi13 repack by free download middle. shadow warrior 3 digital deluxe edition dlc bonus content multi11 fitgirl. call of duty: wwii multiplayer beta latest build 7831931. call of duty: wwii digital deluxe edition (build 7831931 + all dlcs +. game. call of duty: wwii digital deluxe edition (build 7831931 + all dlcs + call of duty: wwii game free download. call of. call of duty: wwii - the war machine: dlc pack 2 call of duty: wwii multiplayer beta latest build 7831931. call of duty: wwii digital deluxe edition (build 7831931 + all dlcs +. get call of duty: wwii multiplayer beta crack for free from r. call of duty: wwii - the war machine: dlc pack 2 call of duty: wwii multiplayer beta latest. call of duty 2 repack mr djplutonium offers a unique black ops 2 & modern. call of duty: wwii - digital deluxe edition (build 7831931 + all dlcs +. call of duty 2 repack mr djplutonium offers a unique black ops 2 & modern. the black ops 4 ps4 edition also includes the black ops 2 multiplayer map pack 1. call of duty: wwii digital deluxe edition - repack - pc version. the black ops 2 multiplayer map pack 1 includes all maps from the call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack. call of duty 2 - multiplayer map pack 1 - repack - pc version of the call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack 1. cod 2 multiplayer map pack 1 features: (1) call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack 1 (cod2mp1) is a collection of nine exclusive multiplayer maps. cod 2 multiplayer map pack 1 features: (1) call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack 1 (cod2mp1) is a collection of nine exclusive multiplayer. call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack 1 features: (1) call of duty 2 multiplayer map pack 1 (cod2mp1) is a collection of nine exclusive multiplayer. 6a6f617c0c 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Separation Studio 2.2.4 LINK ->>->>->> To point3:If I understand correctly, you could write comma in anchor point input box on cocos studio 2.2.5, but I test it on cocos studio 2.2.1, 2.2.4, 2.2.5 and it is impossible, anchor point input box only can be inputted number, why you could write comma Do you download cocos from With this new behavior, the Java and Java Library plugins both honor the separation of compile and runtime scopes. This means that the compilation classpath only includes compile-scoped dependencies, while the runtime classpath adds the runtime-scoped dependencies as well. This is particularly useful if you develop and publish Java libraries with Gradle where the separation between api and implementation dependencies is reflected in the published scopes. As of April 2020, development and distribution of the OpenStudioApplication and the SketchUp plugin have transitioned to the OpenStudio Coalition, who is independently managing and distributing the software through its own openstudiocoalition/OpenStudioApplication repository. The OpenStudio SDK is continuing to be actively developed and distributed by NREL and is released two times per year, through a spring and a fall release. OpenStudio SDK now comes with Ruby 2.7.2 (#4207) which provides many improvements over the previous version, v2.5.5, such as pattern matching, REPL improvement, compaction GC, separation of positional and keyword arguments, and security related improvements. This new major release is bringing a lot of changes not the least of which is the separation of the OpenStudioApplication as well as some API breaking changes.Only critical bug-fixes will be implemented in the LTS branch and no new features will be developed. The supported EnergyPlus version will remain 9.2.0 in the LTS branch. We encourage users to transition to the 3.x version of OpenStudio. The modules folder is structured in sub-hierarchies by grouping modules due to their functionality. There is a dedicated group cmd-tools for command line tools and functional groups like ecommerce. Since the introduction of application-oriented workspaces, the groups for these applications (cae, studio, ...) are mostly redundant, but kept for structural similarity to previous releases of CoreMedia Content Cloud. The same holds true for the group named shared, whose modules now are in most cases part of one of the two shared workspaces. The remaining two groups extension-config and extensions are required for the extensions functionality of CoreMedia Blueprint workspace. The intention is to prevent the spread of fire from an allotment boundary (fire source feature) to a Class 1 building via a Class 10a building. Where a Class 10a building is not sited directly and wholly between the allotment boundary and the Class 1 building (see Figure diagrams f. to i.), the potential of fire spreading from the allotment boundary to the Class 1 still exists. Therefore fire separation would be required. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Where To Buy A Pet Dog Download ===> Once you've decided you're ready for a dog, the next big decision is where to find this lifelong family member. You'll want to make sure to not get an animal from a puppy mill and that's not always easy to recognize. Our Animal Rescue Team often deploys to rescue abused dogs from puppy mill operations in cooperation with local law enforcement. Responsible breeders provide a loving and healthy environment for their canine companions, one that they will be proud to show you. You should never buy a puppy without seeing where the dog and their parents were raised and housed with your own eyes, no matter what papers the breeder has. Beware: AKC and other types of registration papers only tell you who a puppy's parents were, not how they were treated. Importance of information sources for 2181 pet owners responding to a survey. Bars indicate the mean score reported for each source, where: 1 = not at all important, 2 = slightly important, 3 = moderately important, 4 = very important, and 5 = extremely important. Importance of pet food characteristics for 2181 pet owners responding to a survey. Bars indicate the mean score reported for each source, where: 1 = not at all important, 2 = slightly important, 3 = moderately important, 4 = very important, and 5 = extremely important. Limitations of this study include the primarily female, well-educated, and affluent sample that may not represent the larger pet owner population. In addition, employees of the veterinary and animal fields represented approximately 26% of the sample and could represent a biased population. On average, the animal professionals in our sample were younger and better educated than other respondents; were less likely to report that they enjoyed preparing their own food; and illustrated some significant differences in where they purchased food and in the information sources they utilized. Interestingly, the animal professionals did not exhibit significantly different preferences for the labeled attributes of food (such as natural, organic, low-carb, GMO-free) than other respondents, nor did they score significantly different on the companion animal bonding scale. NO: The dog must have a reservation to quarantine at an approved animal care facility in the United States upon arrival and enter through the airport where the facility is located. See Option C at What Your Dog Needs to Enter the United States Dogs must be at least 8 weeks old when traveling within the U.S. and Puerto Rico. If you're traveling into the U.S., your dog's age and vaccine requirements depend on the risk of dog rabies where your trip starts. Dogs arriving from high-risk countries need to be at least 16 weeks old and have their rabies shots before traveling into the U.S. A native of Newmarket, Ontario, Travis Dermott is a professional hockey player in Toronto where he excels at his defensive role night after night. Off ice, Travis leads an active lifestyle and is always on the go with his Australian Shepard, Niylah. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Ageratum Download File --->>> Blue flowers for the garden are sometimes difficult to grow. Choices are limited and most require a full sun location. Ageratum plants, with fluffy blue flowers, add the desirable blue color to your garden, even if it is partially shaded. Caring for ageratums is simple and easy, particularly for the beginning gardener. The ageratum flower most commonly found in the garden is a hybrid, growing in a petite and compact form. When you learn how to plant ageratum and grow it successfully, you will always have a blue flower option for the bed or border. Ageratum plants grow from seed or from small seedlings sometimes found in garden centers. More than 60 cultivars of the blue ageratum flower are available, often reaching only 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm.) when fully grown. The wild ageratum is a taller specimen that reseeds abundantly, but most available seeds of the ageratum will be from hybrid types. Ageratum plants may be started from seed when the soil has warmed outside. Cover seeds lightly, as seeds of ageratum plants need sunlight to germinate. For an early start to blooms of the ageratum flower, start seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before planting in the spring garden. An annual and sometimes perennial flower, the ageratum flower blooms from spring until fall when receiving proper care. Caring for ageratums includes regular watering until the plant is established. Use warm water to irrigate the plant for a bounty of blue blooms. Most common ageratums, \"Hawaii\" for example, are a short 6-8 inches when full grown. Tall ageratum are also available in seed catalogues. They are about 18 inches in height with blue flowers. There is also a medium height snowcapped variety, white top on blue flowers. The blues are most popular and common, but colors also include violet, pink and white. Their size and color makes ageratums good candidates for rock gardens, bedding, and containers. They grow well in sun or partial shade, from early summer to first frost. They are quite easy to grow, producing a profusion of fluffy flowers all season long. The color blue, a rarity in the gardening world, is highly coveted by avid gardeners. Ageratum is grown for its whimsical pompom-shaped flowers that occur mostly in shades of blue, though colors also include white, pink, lavender, and red. These popular bedding plants are most often purchased as nursery starts in tray packs or flats, but can also be grown from seed. With sizes ranging from a few inches high to three feet tall, ageratum can be grown in containers, used as edging along pathways or borders, or massed in displays. When planted in the ideal site, ageratums are resistant to most pests and diseases. Too much shade, lack of air circulation, or high humidity can cause fungal diseases such as powdery mildew. Poor drainage or overwatering can result in root rot. Possible insect problems include spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. One of the tallest ageratums, the height and multi-branching habit makes this a favorite of cut flower growers. Plant midway in a mixed border, in combination with other cottage-style plants, or in a cut flower bed. Blue Horizon Ageratum, commonly known as floss flower, is the first F1 triploid ageratum strain for cut flower cultivation. This variety grows to approximately 30 inches/76 cm tall with a spread of 8 inches/20 cm. As a triploid, Blue Horizon produces very vigorous plants with strong, sturdy stems, numerous branches and larger flowers than the traditional ageratum. General Information: Landscape ageratum series forms a dense, mounded hedge of color, growing taller and more vigorously than any other ageratum. Outlasts standard bedding types outdoors in gardens and Mixed Containers. Plug crop time: 4 weeksTransplant to finish: 7 to 9 weeksDense, mounded hedge of colour is taller and more vigorous than other landscape ageratums. Outlasts standard bedding types in gardens and mixed containers. Strong branching fills out packs and pots quickly. Self-cleaning and easy-care. Also well-suited to indoor plant programs. Forms clumping mounds with colors of pink, white & blue from May through October. Dependable flowering annual. Confused with ageratums that are perennials with tall, erect stems and leaves well-spaced out, but similar in appearance with leaves and flowers. Growing hardy ageratum: Mist flowers prefer a good, well-drained but moist garden soil in full sun or partial shade. They like a bit of shade in places with hot summers. Plants appear late in the spring; digging them up by mistake should be avoided. ageratum related species: Both Eupatorium maculatum and E. purpureum, now classified in the new genus Eutrochium, are handsome American wildflowers called joe-pye weed. E. maculatum grows to 6 feet tall and bears rounded heads of many small, thinly fringed, purple to light purple flowers on stems that are shaded or spotted purple. E. purpureum has stems that are usually green, and the flowers smell of vanilla. Both are spectacular in the back of a border. Although adaptable to average garden soil, they prefer an evenly moist spot. Blue mist flower, or wild ageratum is a perennial wildflower that can reach up to 3 feet in height. The leaves are opposite, hairy, ovoid, toothed and have short petioles. The blue to purple flowers occur in flat-topped clusters at the top of the stem. The clusters can be several inches across in width. Mist flower plants arise from a dense system of underground rhizomes, so they can be mildly weedy if introduced to the home garden. Hardy ageratum prefers full sun to part shade, but full-sun conditions ensure the most abundant blooms and compact habit. These natives grow best in average, medium to wet but well-drained soils and grow all throughout North Carolina. They prefer fertile environments. Propagating these plants is easy; clump division in early spring is best. Also consider a springtime prune as well, again, to encourage a denser plant and reduce the need to stake later in the summer. These plants can get weedy if not cut back. Despite its propensity to be overzealous, hardy ageratum can be a solid addition to your landscape. A workhorse of a plant, it supports wildlife like beneficial insects and birds while at the same time managing to be deer and rabbit-resistant. Keep an eye out for it now through November and imagine what it might lend to your garden. For a finer look at the taxonomy changes for hardy ageratum formerly known as Eupatorium coelestinum, the University of Arkansas extension site outlines the journey of scientific classification Scheduling annual bedding plants in flower for specific market dates is of increasing importance to many greenhouse growers. During the past several years at Michigan State University (MSU), we have performed experiments with many seed propagated annuals to quantify how temperature and daily light integral (DLI) influence flowering time and plant quality. In the fifth article of this series, we present information on ageratum and cosmos and then use crop timing data to estimate greenhouse heating costs at different locations, growing temperatures and finish dates. When plugs were ready for transplant (27 days after seed sow for ageratum and 16 days for cosmos), they were transplanted into 4-inch pots and grown in greenhouses with constant temperature set points of 57, 63, 68 and 73F (14, 17, 20 and 23C). At each temperature, plants were grown under a 16-hour photoperiod with two different DLIs provided by a combination of shade curtains and different light intensities from high-pressure sodium lamps. Crop timing data was used to develop mathematical models to predict flowering time and plant quality under different temperature and DLI conditions. The scheduling models were validated by growing ageratum and cosmos at three different constant temperatures to compare predicted flowering times with actual times. The Virtual Grower software (available free at was used to estimate the cost to heat a 21,504 square foot greenhouse (about half an acre) to produce each crop for different finish dates and at different locations in the United States. We can use this crop timing information with Virtual Grower to determine if it is more energy efficient to transplant a crop earlier and grow cool versus transplanting later and growing warm. For example, to produce an ageratum or cosmos crop for April 1 in Grand Rapids, Mich., New York, N.Y., or Cleveland, Ohio, heating costs per square foot would be 27 to 42 percent lower at 73F versus 58F (Table 2). At some locations, the production temperature that had the lowest heating costs per square foot per crop varied between market dates. For example, ageratum grown for April 1 in New York had the lowest predicted heating costs when grown at 73F. In contrast, for a market date of May 15, estimated fuel costs were lowest if grown at 63, 68, or 73F. In this example, because there is no difference in heating costs to produce ageratum for May 15 in New York at 63 to 73F, other factors such as plant quality, availability of labor, overhead costs and opportunity costs could be considered when selecting a growing temperature. Blue mistflower or crucita is a deciduous sub-shrub in North America. (It is a shrub in the tropics.) Branched stems curve upward and are 2-6 ft. in height. Somewhat triangular-shaped leaves are virtually evergreen in extreme S. TX. Lilac to bright purplish-blue flowers cluster together into showy, ageratum-like flower heads. Dies back to the roots in hard winters. It is native from Tropical America to the Gulf States, SE Texas & the Rio Grande Plain. You can see the Texas counties where this plant is native at the USDA website. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
[S0E3] Bender's Game Download File ::: After joining Planet Express, Fry, Bender, Farnsworth's assistant Amy and Captain Leela must deliver their first package to the moon. Fry imagines himself walking on the moon, but he finds out that there is an amusement park on the moon - Luna Park. While lowering the package, Amy drops the ship keys inside it. Fry is the only one who wants to walk on the real moon, so he goes with Leela on an educational trip, yet he goes off the road and they are now marooned on the moon with almost no oxygen. Amy and Bender discover that the key that fell inside a crane game machine. Bender is thrown out of the park after putting his hand inside the machine. Fry and Leela arrive at a farm in the middle of the moon where they have to work for oxygen. After Bender sleeps with one of the robo-daughters of the farmer, the farmer starts chasing Fry, Leela and Bender. Amy appears just in time to save them. At Madison Cube Garden watching a blernsball game, Bender complains about the poor treatment of robots. They're only there to clean up, polish the balls or water the fields. They never get any respect. Later, Bender must deliver a package to a planet inhabited by murderous robots that kill humans on sight. He discovers a robotopia - a land where the robot is king! However, when Leela and Fry are captured, Bender must choose between protecting his celebrity status or saving his friends. When the Professor fine tunes his \"What-If\" machine, Bender discovers what it would be like if he were human, Fry discovers what it would be like if life were more like a video game, and Leela discovers what it would be like if she found her true home. An episode featuring 3 different segments, in the same vein as episodes such as \"Anthology of Interest I\" and \"The Futurama Holiday Spectacular\". Each segment showcases a different style of animation. The first segment will be animated in \"a black-and-white Fleischer style\", the second segment will be in the style of a low-resolution video game, and the third drawn in the style of anime. The episode is not be canon, and is the final episode of the sixth season of Futurama. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Taboo - Episode 2 ... Download --->>> -Does Zilpha still love Delaney (in a sexual way) There was only one brief scene between the half-siblings this episode, but it certainly seemed to suggest that Zilpha is still in love with Delaney, Chaplin was able to convey it with the look in her eyes. This episode made me think of Delaney as a 19th century version of Clint Eastwood's \"Man With No Name\" character from his spaghetti western days, assembling a team of slimy minions to do his bidding, setting one faction against the other. Taboo is a BBC television drama series produced by Scott Free London and Hardy Son & Baker. It premiered on BBC One in the United Kingdom, on 7 January 2017 and on FX in the United States, on 10 January 2017. The eight-episode series was created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy, and his father, Chips Hardy, based on a story written by Tom and Chips Hardy. Taboo was created by Steven Knight, Tom Hardy and his father, Edward \"Chips\" Hardy, and is based on a story written by Tom and Chips Hardy.[2] Knight and Tom Hardy previously worked together in the 2013 film Locke and the TV series Peaky Blinders, which premiered in 2013.[3] The first series was directed by Kristoffer Nyholm and Anders Engström.[3] The music was composed by Max Richter.[4] Steven Knight plans for two more series.[5] Taboo was renewed for a second series in March 2017.[6] In November 2021, Knight confirmed that six of season two's eight planned episodes had been written, and the start of filming is contingent upon Hardy's schedule.[7] In May 2022, Knight earmarked the end of 2023 as a potential filming start date.[8] Once the vision of the woman in the water concludes we get hit with a moment of a knife that seems to be the exact one used by the assassin at the end of the episode, which suggest Delaney has some ability to see into the future. The first episode left a few threads dangling, including the truth about James' mysterious exodus to Africa, the dynamics of his relationship with sister Zilpha, the strange appearance of an apparent third sibling, a boy much younger than James or Zilpha, and much, much more. But while we ponder, here are some means to distract yourself in advance of this Saturday's episode. Also worth a listen before episode two rolls around is this week's Distraction Pieces podcast, which sees host Scroobius Pip, a spoken word poet and actor, converse with former rugby league player Rob Parker about their experiences working on Taboo. Both men play members of Atticus's gang of smugglers, though Pip has revealed that he was gradually given more to do as the series went on. The second episode of Yeh Dil Mera adds more to our curiosity, while also giving a hint about how the plot may shape up in future. Here is my review for the same. Please read the review of first episode. The episode started off by introducing us to our four competitors: Ryan, who hosts \"a podcast on taboo issues\" and says they don't care about offending other people with their brutal honesty; Stephanie, who says she's looking for some adventure and to not live with regrets; Andrew, an athlete whose lived in vehicles for the last several years; and Alissa, a former beauty queen who currently acts as a musician. In an episode that explores a central religious taboo and pushes the boundaries of what many might deem acceptable within Jewish tradition, we ask whether Cat Stevens was on to something when he sang that the \"first cut is the deepest.\" Zev Levi scored and sound-designed the episode with music from Blue Dot Sessions. Sela Waisblum created the mix. The end song, Bidyuk Kmo SheAni (\"As I Am\"), was written and arranged by Ravid Plotnik (Nechi Nech) and Shai Or, and performed by Plotnik. Stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and by signing up for our newsletter at For more, head to our site or Tablet Magazine. Welcome to part 2 of my interview with Gabriel Rossman, Associate Professor of Sociology at UCLA, and co-host, UVA Law 3L Autumn Adams-Jack. We continue our discussion of sex, drugs, and Islamic finance, among other taboo trades. Want to buy sex, bribe a politician, or get your dumb kid into an Ivy League school I discuss how to get away with taboo trades with Gabriel Rossman, an Associate Professor of Sociology at UCLA, and my co-host, UVA Law 3L Autumn Adams-Jack. I've posted a new episode of the Taboo Trades podcast, this one featuring Pat Oglesby of the Center for New Revenue discussing marijuana legalization. From the show summary: \"Pat discusses marijuana legalization and disses on the tax academe\" You should definitely ease your election anxiety by listening to me and Christian Turner of the University of Georgia School of Law argue about why people have sex in the latest episode of the Taboo Trades podcast: \"Market Segregation (& Football!) with Christian Turner.\" There's even some discussion of football, so there's something to satisfy everyone. (Okay, European football, but whatevs). In this final act, Chris, Steven, Burcu, and myself, share the things that helped us and are helping us navigate academia as first generation students. But though not all things that work for us will work for all first gens, we hope that those who are listening recognize the plight first gens go through in graduate programs. And if you are a first generation yourself, we hope that this episode, particularly this act, reminds you that you are not alone. Maybe some first gens who are listening to this are going through it, are probably doubting themselves. What message do you have for first generation students who may be listening to this, and considering grad school or in graduate school right now This was a wonderful discussion on situating our work within the international sphere, especially as graduate students conducting interdisciplinary work. That will be the end of this episode of PhD and Me: The Third Degree. Thank you all for listening to our stories of the tensions between socio-politico-cultural aspects of international research, the moral implications of privilege and equity, and time consuming and often frustrating elements of the bureaucracy of international work. Good-bye. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Dodo (578) Mp4 Download ->>->>->> Brassey, Charlotte A., O'Mahoney, Thomas G., Kitchener, Andrew C., Manning, Phillip L. and Sellers, William I. (2016)Convex-hull mass estimates of the dodo (Raphus cucullatus): application of a CT-based mass estimation technique. PeerJ, 4. e1432. ISSN 2167-8359 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Buy Fake Coral Download File >>> Add a touch of summer to your living area with Blossom By Belle's Artificial Coral Rose Bowl - Large! These beautiful roses have incredibly realistic 10cm heads in a range of coral hues, creating an eye-catching display all year round. Enjoy the luxurious aesthetic of our premium artificial flowers without any of the maintenance required for real blooms. 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Home Of The Brave DOWNLOAD ->>> Shortly after learning their unit will soon return home, American soldiers Lieutenant Colonel Dr. William Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson), Sergeant Vanessa Price (Jessica Biel), Specialists Tommy Yates (Brian Presley) Jamal Aiken (Curtis \"50 Cent\" Jackson), and Private Jordan Owens (Chad Michael Murray) are on their final mission, in a vehicle in a convoy bringing medical supplies to a remote Iraqi village. They are ambushed by insurgents. The forward vehicles of the convoy are trapped in a narrow street and forced to fight the attackers. The rear vehicles manage to escape the initial barrage by taking a side-street, only to be met with an improvised explosive device hidden in the carcass of a dead dog. Sgt. Price, the driver, is seriously wounded, as her front seat passenger is killed instantly. A soldier in their team is shot and killed pursuing the young boys who left the bomb and other attackers. Upon returning home, the main characters have a hard time returning to civilian life. Price struggles with day-to-day things, like learning to unbutton her clothing with only one hand, while trying to resume her job as a crippled P.E. teacher and basketball coach. Yates is unemployed, having lost his job at a gun shop during his deployment. His father pushes him towards the police academy, but Yates, witnessing the self-destruction of Aiken, who had become frustrated and angry at being denied VA benefits for his back injury and the rejection of his girlfriend, walks out of the academy's entrance exam. Marsh begins to slip into self-destructive behavior as his son, angry about the senselessness of the war and what it's done to his family, gets into trouble at school. Drunk on Thanksgiving Day, Marsh brings home three yard workers for dinner to the dismay of his family. Afterwards, his wife catches him in his study with a loaded pistol contemplating suicide. He agrees to go to therapy for PTSD. There, he reveals that he does not feel any emotion over the soldiers that died, but as a doctor he believes he should. The conflict had slowly eaten away at him until he could not control it anymore. Homes for the Brave is hosting its 19th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, May 22 at the beautiful Rolling Hills Country Club in Wilton, CT in support of Veterans experiencing homelessness. Your entry fee includes lunch, player favors, green fees, golf carts, on-course beverages, cocktail hour, live and silent auctions, and the awards dinner. Click the link above to learn more! Eligibility: Must be determined a veteran who is eligible for VA medical benefits, and whose homelessness meets the HEARTH Definition of Homelessness. Veterans must also be assessed by Health Care for Homeless Veterans program staff at their local VA Medical Center, and have a substance use disorder or dependence. Not bad, but not what you envisioned, either. And of course offset all of this by the (relatively small but who knows really) number of elderly people whose homes are currently NOT broken into because they MIGHT have a gun, but in your gun free scenario get tossed down a stairwell by a home intruder. Include more non-deterred rapes etc as well. A net benefit is likely, but far from guaranteed. Gabe you are so brave. Not coming out for the national anthem is amazing. You manage a baseball team. You are so important to this country. Thanks for all you do. You can donate this years salary to the families who were affected by this tragic event. Better yet just disrespect the flag that is the better option. Ps fuck you. Home of the Brave starts out with promise as it shows to good effect the chaos and uncertainty inherent in \"battling\" in current-day Iraq. Unfortunately, after the action shifts from the deserts of the Middle East to the relative calm of the home front (specifically, Spokane, Washington), it devolves into a morass of melodramatic clichés. Not only is the bulk of Home of the Brave preachy and predictable, but it features some of the worst dialogue to be found in any non-horror film this year. There's no doubt that director Irwin Winkler and screenwriter Mark Friedman came to this project with the best of intentions. However, as the saying goes, \"The road to hell is paved with good intentions.\" Sitting through Home of the Brave isn't cinematic hell, but it's only a step up. In modern-day Iraq, five soldiers have just learned they're going home in two weeks. Before the departure day arrives, however, they are involved in an ambush and firefight that have lasting consequences for all of them. Vanessa Price (Jessica Biel) is injured by an IED. She loses a hand and is badly burned. She is treated on the battlefield by Dr. Will Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson), who has stared down the barrel of a gun in his own operating theater. Marines Jamal Aiken (Curtis \"50 Cent\" Jackson), Tommy Yates (Brian Presley), and Jordan Owens (Chad Michael Murray) go in search of the ambushers. Jamal accidentally kills an innocent woman. Tommy is shot in the leg. After registering a kill, Jordan falls under a hail of gunfire. He dies in Tommy's arms. For anyone who has been away from home for a time, especially those whose lives have been spent in a war zone, a return to \"normalcy\" requires a period of adjustment. It's more difficult for some than others. Had Home of the Brave presented credible stories about believable characters, it might have been a powerful drama. Certainly, the setup is in place for something remarkable. Unfortunately, bad writing and heavy-handed direction have taken this movie in an unenviable direction. The sad thing to behold in Home of the Brave isn't the characters struggling to regain control of their lives, but the actors struggling to gain control of the material. Considering its inherent weaknesses, they, like unfortunate movie-goers who elect to see the film, have no chance. Cisco is no longer abandoned. Be respectful of the town's restoration efforts and resident by not smashing any structures or trespassing into homes. Those wishing to support the town's restoration efforts can donate here. Parents need to know that this serious drama deals with difficult issues faced by veterans of the Iraq war, including post-traumatic stress disorder, phantom pain, alcoholism, and lack of stateside resources. War violence -- including shooting and explosions (mortars, grenades, rockets, and disguised bombs) -- results in bloody injuries, deaths, and upset survivors. At home, characters suffer from flashbacks, nightmares, emotional disturbances, and physical disabilities. Family members argue, and characters swear frequently, smoke cigarettes, drink, and take/discuss prescription drugs. Timely and moving but frustratingly contrived, HOME OF THE BRAVE is like The Best Years of Our Lives for the Iraq war, tackling the difficult issues faced by returning veterans. Once the unit goes home, the clichés come fast and furiously, competing with images viewers will likely recognize from the news. This is a hard-hitting war drama. Opening in Iraq -- where a group of National Guardsmen from Spokane, Wash., is looking forward to going home in two weeks after extended tours -- HOME OF THE BRAVE shows the effects of combat and loss on strong young men and women, as well as the toll on their families. When their unit is ambushed, Jamal (50 Cent) and his best friend, Jordan (Chad Michael Murray), take off after their attackers and meet with terrible consequences. Convoy driver Vanessa (Jessica Biel) loses her hand, and medic Will Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson) feels angry and helpless in the face of senseless carnage. Back home, Jamal is haunted by his own act of violence, Tommy (Brian Presley) by the death of a best friend, and others by guilt, flashbacks, and resentment at the military's lack of understanding and care. Will's family life suffers and he starts drinking, and single mom Vanessa struggles to take care of herself and her son. Families can talk about the media's coverage of the war in Iraq. How does the movie's treatment of the issues compare to what you see on television Do you think one version is more accurate and/or objective than the other Why and how How is the media's coverage of the Iraq war different from -- and similar to -- coverage of other wars and conflicts Families can also discuss how war affects veterans and their families. What issues do the veterans in this movie grapple with once they come home How do their families struggle to support them How are these challenges different for men and women, for parents and children 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Home Of The Brave DOWNLOAD ->>> Shortly after learning their unit will soon return home, American soldiers Lieutenant Colonel Dr. William Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson), Sergeant Vanessa Price (Jessica Biel), Specialists Tommy Yates (Brian Presley) Jamal Aiken (Curtis \"50 Cent\" Jackson), and Private Jordan Owens (Chad Michael Murray) are on their final mission, in a vehicle in a convoy bringing medical supplies to a remote Iraqi village. They are ambushed by insurgents. The forward vehicles of the convoy are trapped in a narrow street and forced to fight the attackers. The rear vehicles manage to escape the initial barrage by taking a side-street, only to be met with an improvised explosive device hidden in the carcass of a dead dog. Sgt. Price, the driver, is seriously wounded, as her front seat passenger is killed instantly. A soldier in their team is shot and killed pursuing the young boys who left the bomb and other attackers. Upon returning home, the main characters have a hard time returning to civilian life. Price struggles with day-to-day things, like learning to unbutton her clothing with only one hand, while trying to resume her job as a crippled P.E. teacher and basketball coach. Yates is unemployed, having lost his job at a gun shop during his deployment. His father pushes him towards the police academy, but Yates, witnessing the self-destruction of Aiken, who had become frustrated and angry at being denied VA benefits for his back injury and the rejection of his girlfriend, walks out of the academy's entrance exam. Marsh begins to slip into self-destructive behavior as his son, angry about the senselessness of the war and what it's done to his family, gets into trouble at school. Drunk on Thanksgiving Day, Marsh brings home three yard workers for dinner to the dismay of his family. Afterwards, his wife catches him in his study with a loaded pistol contemplating suicide. He agrees to go to therapy for PTSD. There, he reveals that he does not feel any emotion over the soldiers that died, but as a doctor he believes he should. The conflict had slowly eaten away at him until he could not control it anymore. Homes for the Brave is hosting its 19th Annual Golf Classic on Monday, May 22 at the beautiful Rolling Hills Country Club in Wilton, CT in support of Veterans experiencing homelessness. Your entry fee includes lunch, player favors, green fees, golf carts, on-course beverages, cocktail hour, live and silent auctions, and the awards dinner. Click the link above to learn more! Eligibility: Must be determined a veteran who is eligible for VA medical benefits, and whose homelessness meets the HEARTH Definition of Homelessness. Veterans must also be assessed by Health Care for Homeless Veterans program staff at their local VA Medical Center, and have a substance use disorder or dependence. Not bad, but not what you envisioned, either. And of course offset all of this by the (relatively small but who knows really) number of elderly people whose homes are currently NOT broken into because they MIGHT have a gun, but in your gun free scenario get tossed down a stairwell by a home intruder. Include more non-deterred rapes etc as well. A net benefit is likely, but far from guaranteed. Gabe you are so brave. Not coming out for the national anthem is amazing. You manage a baseball team. You are so important to this country. Thanks for all you do. You can donate this years salary to the families who were affected by this tragic event. Better yet just disrespect the flag that is the better option. Ps fuck you. Home of the Brave starts out with promise as it shows to good effect the chaos and uncertainty inherent in \"battling\" in current-day Iraq. Unfortunately, after the action shifts from the deserts of the Middle East to the relative calm of the home front (specifically, Spokane, Washington), it devolves into a morass of melodramatic clichés. Not only is the bulk of Home of the Brave preachy and predictable, but it features some of the worst dialogue to be found in any non-horror film this year. There's no doubt that director Irwin Winkler and screenwriter Mark Friedman came to this project with the best of intentions. However, as the saying goes, \"The road to hell is paved with good intentions.\" Sitting through Home of the Brave isn't cinematic hell, but it's only a step up. In modern-day Iraq, five soldiers have just learned they're going home in two weeks. Before the departure day arrives, however, they are involved in an ambush and firefight that have lasting consequences for all of them. Vanessa Price (Jessica Biel) is injured by an IED. She loses a hand and is badly burned. She is treated on the battlefield by Dr. Will Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson), who has stared down the barrel of a gun in his own operating theater. Marines Jamal Aiken (Curtis \"50 Cent\" Jackson), Tommy Yates (Brian Presley), and Jordan Owens (Chad Michael Murray) go in search of the ambushers. Jamal accidentally kills an innocent woman. Tommy is shot in the leg. After registering a kill, Jordan falls under a hail of gunfire. He dies in Tommy's arms. For anyone who has been away from home for a time, especially those whose lives have been spent in a war zone, a return to \"normalcy\" requires a period of adjustment. It's more difficult for some than others. Had Home of the Brave presented credible stories about believable characters, it might have been a powerful drama. Certainly, the setup is in place for something remarkable. Unfortunately, bad writing and heavy-handed direction have taken this movie in an unenviable direction. The sad thing to behold in Home of the Brave isn't the characters struggling to regain control of their lives, but the actors struggling to gain control of the material. Considering its inherent weaknesses, they, like unfortunate movie-goers who elect to see the film, have no chance. Cisco is no longer abandoned. Be respectful of the town's restoration efforts and resident by not smashing any structures or trespassing into homes. Those wishing to support the town's restoration efforts can donate here. Parents need to know that this serious drama deals with difficult issues faced by veterans of the Iraq war, including post-traumatic stress disorder, phantom pain, alcoholism, and lack of stateside resources. War violence -- including shooting and explosions (mortars, grenades, rockets, and disguised bombs) -- results in bloody injuries, deaths, and upset survivors. At home, characters suffer from flashbacks, nightmares, emotional disturbances, and physical disabilities. Family members argue, and characters swear frequently, smoke cigarettes, drink, and take/discuss prescription drugs. Timely and moving but frustratingly contrived, HOME OF THE BRAVE is like The Best Years of Our Lives for the Iraq war, tackling the difficult issues faced by returning veterans. Once the unit goes home, the clichés come fast and furiously, competing with images viewers will likely recognize from the news. This is a hard-hitting war drama. Opening in Iraq -- where a group of National Guardsmen from Spokane, Wash., is looking forward to going home in two weeks after extended tours -- HOME OF THE BRAVE shows the effects of combat and loss on strong young men and women, as well as the toll on their families. When their unit is ambushed, Jamal (50 Cent) and his best friend, Jordan (Chad Michael Murray), take off after their attackers and meet with terrible consequences. Convoy driver Vanessa (Jessica Biel) loses her hand, and medic Will Marsh (Samuel L. Jackson) feels angry and helpless in the face of senseless carnage. Back home, Jamal is haunted by his own act of violence, Tommy (Brian Presley) by the death of a best friend, and others by guilt, flashbacks, and resentment at the military's lack of understanding and care. Will's family life suffers and he starts drinking, and single mom Vanessa struggles to take care of herself and her son. Families can talk about the media's coverage of the war in Iraq. How does the movie's treatment of the issues compare to what you see on television Do you think one version is more accurate and/or objective than the other Why and how How is the media's coverage of the Iraq war different from -- and similar to -- coverage of other wars and conflicts Families can also discuss how war affects veterans and their families. What issues do the veterans in this movie grapple with once they come home How do their families struggle to support them How are these challenges different for men and women, for parents and children 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Buy Bleach Download File --->>> This salon-quality bleach is perfect for transforming just about any color of hair to a shiny, healthy-looking blonde without excessive damage or risk of breakage. The dust-free formula is concentrated and easy to apply. This dust-free bleach powder can lift up to seven levels of color off of your hair. In this set, you receive dust-free bleach powder, one 40 volume cream developer, one mixing tub, one tint brush, one plastic cap and one set of plastic gloves. Plus, the formula is vegan. Comb through to distribute. Use the tail comb to divide hair into sections, which helps keep tabs on what you've bleached and what you haven't. (This is more necessary on medium and longer hair. Longer cuts may also require clips to pull hair to the side while you get at the roots.) How else will you know what it really looks like as you go through each step, and finish with a toner Natural sunlight is much preferable to the ancient fluorescent in your bathroom. In other words: If you decide one night to go blond, save the bleach job itself for the next day. Light Scale Charcoal Bleach lifts up to 10 levels that creates perfect blonde and leaves hair healthy and hydrated. The charcoal not only gives the bleaching paste its characteristic black color, it also neutralizes unwanted yellow/orange undertones whilst purifying the hair. Work quickly to achieve the best colouring result. Apply the bleach mixture using a tint brush or your gloved hands from roots to ends, starting with each side ponytail before moving to the back. Do not massage the product into the scalp. Work quickly to achieve the best colouring result. Apply the bleach mixture using a tint brush or your hands protected by plastic gloves, from roots to ends, starting with each side ponytail before moving to the back. Do not massage the product into the scalp. Work quickly to achieve the best colouring result. Apply the bleach mixture using a tint brush or your hands protected by the gloves provided, brush from roots to ends, starting with each side ponytail before moving to the back. Do not massage the product into the scalp. Shop our amazing range of professional quality hair bleach products atSally Beauty. Whether you're looking for products to help with highlights,balayage or block colour lightening we have you covered with a selection of high quality bleachpowders, gels & creams in a range of sizes from trusted brands such asWella,Schwarzkopf&L'Oréal Professionenel.Read more Shop our amazing range of professional quality hairbleach products at Sally Beauty. Whether you're looking for products tohelp with highlights, balayage or block colour lightening we have youcovered with a selection of high quality bleach powders, gels & creamsin a range of sizes from trusted brands such asWella,Schwarzkopf&L'Oréal Professionenel.Read more Clorox was a model corporate citizen in World War II. Our employees worked 48-hour weeks to help the war effort. A Clorox job meant a military deferment for male workers who wanted it, because bleach-making was an essential industry. Bleach was so valuable that it was rationed. The U.S. government was a major customer. The U.S. enters World War II. During the war, the company earns respect from customers and consumers when it refuses to dilute Clorox liquid bleach despite government urging to do so. It also plays fair by not enforcing prewar contracts that would have spared it from price increases in raw materials. Consumer products giant Procter & Gamble was in acquisition mode. It had no bleach products in its extensive portfolio. The deal closed in 1957, and P&G renamed its subsidiary The Clorox Company. Almost immediately, a rival bleach company filed a federal antitrust suit. Bottle-makers said it was impossible to fabricate plastic bottles any bigger than quart size. That was a huge problem, because half-gallons and gallons accounted for two-thirds of Clorox bleach sales. Scientists solved the puzzle in time for a 1961 national rollout. Buyers happily paid a bit more to bid farewell to breakage. They labored less at laundry time, too, because the bottle revolution cut the weight of an empty gallon container from 3.5 pounds of glass to 3.5 ounces of plastic. As early as 1919, Clorox liquid bleach began to win fans in faraway places. The first exported bottle was sold in Hawaii, then a U.S. protectorate. By our 75th anniversary, consumers in 60 countries relied on dozens of Clorox Company brands. Global citizenship really took off in the 1990s, thanks mainly to local partnerships. THE PROPERTIESThe avant-garde formula in King Bleach reduces oxidation and porosity during lift when compared to conventional bleach formulas as it helps to hold the integrity of the hair structure while making hair feel healthier. Going to a salon can be pricey, but people have been bleaching their hair at home for decades -- and you can too! The bleaching process is a bit different for everyone, depending on your current hair color, but otherwise its pretty straightforward. Once you get your hair bleached, follow up with a toner and you will be rocking the bleach blonde look in no time. This process works best on healthy hair, so don't dye or otherwise process your hair in the months leading up to the bleaching. It is also important to ventilate the area. These chemicals are strong, so crack a window! Although chlorine bleach is a fairly common household item, improperly mixing it with certain ingredients can cause dangerous, toxic gases that can become explosive. Keep yourself and your family safe and do not mix bleach with the following: Using chlorine bleach with certain clothes can lead to splotchy fading of the color in irregular patterns and even to holes and damage to the clothing. Most clothing tags specify whether chlorine or non-chlorine bleach can be used on the clothing. Be sure to test your clothing for colorfastness before using it on your laundry. Even this type of bleach may not be safe for all fabrics, so check the garment tag to see if it says non-chlorine bleach can be used. Ingredients matter. And now you can be more choosy when it comes to your cleaning products! Say hello to the little appliance that uses electricity to convert tap water, plus a capsule of salt, water & vinegar, into a does-it-all cleaning powerhouse as effective as bleach. Remove the pan from heat and pour the thickened gel mixture into a heat-safe glass measuring cup to cool completely. Once cooled, add the bleach, stir well, then pour the finished bleach gel into a squeeze bottle. And finally, you can use your bleach gel pen to create custom designs on colored fabrics. The applications for this are virtually limitless, as you can customize everything from clothing to throw pillow covers and beyond! 59ce067264
10 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Download Holder! 009 Mp4 Click Here --->>> Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit Download from our awesome range of over 1400 free vertical videos. Browse through urban lifestyle videos for your Instagram stories, to abstract footage for your vertical music video. All vertical videos are available to download for free. You can download vertical videos from Mixkit for free. Vertical videos under the Mixkit Free License can be used in Commercial projects. Vertical videos under the Mixkit Restricted License can be used only in Personal projects. Check out our license for more information. This video will works on all browsers that support MPEG4, except IE9. To add support for IE9, you have to move the file info to the file header, so the browser can start playing it as soon as it starts to download it. THIS IS THE KEY FOR IE9!!! Copyright 2023 Digiarty Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5KPlayer & DearMob are brands of Digiarty Software, Inc. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. All logos, trademarks and images relating to other companies that may be contained wherein are applied in the Internet that are not used for commercial use. Digiarty's software is not developed by or affiliated with such companies. DRM-free downloads offer content that is not limited by standard Digital Rights Management (DRM) access technologies. These technologies allow hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to limit the usage of digital content. When you purchase DRM-free downloadable content, that content is available for you to download on any computer and save to a disk whenever you like. You can also download to multiple computers. There is no timeframe associated with your purchase and the content will not expire. 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Buy Asus Laptop Online DOWNLOAD >>> If you are looking for a laptop that combines performance with good looks, an Asus laptop should feature on your priority list. This Taiwanese brand is globally known to manufacture some of the best-performing laptops. Asus laptops come in a wide range of options that features powerful processors, high-capacity RAM, impressive audio output and come in sleek and slim designs. Laptops from Asus help you enjoy HD movies, browse the web, play popular gaming titles, create documents and much more. With a wide range of models, Asus is here to cater to all your needs. From movie buffs and working professionals to students and design experts, everyone can get a laptop from Asus that fits their budget. From college students to working professionals, everyone owns at least one to make their daily tasks easier. If you consume multimedia daily, a laptop with stunning audio and video clarity would be ideal. Asus laptop i7 series are ideal for gamers and come with specially designed keyboards that give you precise control and input during your intense gaming sessions. The Asus laptop i3 series is perfect if you are looking for a powerful, stylish, efficient yet a budget-friendly laptop. Log on to Flipkart from the comfort of your home and choose from a wide range of cutting-edge laptops from Asus and have them delivered to your doorstep. Are you planning to buy a laptop for your child to help him accomplish his projects Or do you want a laptop for basic work and entertainment purpose Your search for a laptop that scores high on performance, design and audio quality ends with Asus. Their powerful processors, high-capacity RAM, impressive audio and sleek design make them quite popular among consumers. Check out models such as Asus X Series, Asus APU Quad Core, Asus Core i3 6th Gen and Asus A-Series Core and switch to a better experience. From browsing the web to watching HD movies, playing games to using a software and creating documents, a laptop is ideal for performing a lot of tasks. Because of its functionality and design, it has gained popularity among everyone. From college students to working professionals, everyone owns at least one to make their daily tasks easier. If you are a movie buff, then a laptop with stunning audio and video clarity would be ideal. With laptops ranging from 2 GB of DDR3 RAM to 8 GB of DDR4 RAM, these laptops boast brilliant performance levels. If you like to multitask, then Asus is your go-to brand. They will let you switch between your favourite movie and your spreadsheet quickly. The Intel and AMD processor further add to its performance levels. Are you a gaming addict You would be delighted to know that most Asus laptops feature GPUs with up to 2 GB of dedicated RAM. Equipped with graphics processors such as Intel Integrated, NVIDIA Geforce, NVIDIA Geforce GTX and AMD Radeon, these laptops provide for an enhanced gaming experience. The ultrabook laptops are ideal for everyday use and come with Intel Dual Core processor that will let enjoy seamless multitasking. These Asus laptops are sleek, compact and can be easily carried with you anywhere you go. The HD LED-backlit display will let you enjoy your favourite movies, shows, and videos with rich clarity. Some models come with built-in speakers with SonicMaster technology that will let you enjoy stunning sound with deep bass. Most of the Asus netbooks come with Intel Atom quad-core processor that will let you enjoy a great computing experience. Are you an avid gamer Bring home the Asus FX553 gaming laptop and enjoy playing games like never before. It features a non-proprietary Endless operating system that's easy to learn. The specially designed keyboard features red backlighting and scissor-switch keys with 2.5 mm of key travel distance for tactile keystrokes. Be assured of precise control and input during the gaming sessions, all thanks to a large space bar, highlighted WASD keys and isolated arrow keys. The Intelligent Thermal design delivers maximum cooling efficiency and makes sure that your laptop is stable at all times. The built-in speakers are designed to deliver powerful and crisp audio. Equipped with the 7th-generation Intel Core i7 processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 series graphics card, this gaming laptop delivers an impressive performance. Experience breathtaking visuals on the 39.62 cm full HD panel. The matte finish ensures there is no glare or reflections on the screen to provide you with a distraction-free gaming experience. 8 GB of DDR4 RAM makes for fast speed and incredible energy efficiency. The array microphones are designed to filter out ambient noise - so, enjoy con calls without any interruptions. Bring home the Asus Core i3 6th Gen laptop and take your computing experience to the next level. Toggle between multiple apps without any interruptions as this laptop comes with an Intel Core i3 processor (6th Gen) and 4 GB of DDR4 RAM. Enjoy captivating visuals on its 39.62 cm screen. The 3 cell battery gives you long hours of uninterrupted usage. Store all that you want - movies, songs and more on its 1 TB HDD. Asus X541UA laptop built-in speakers deliver crisp and clear audio. It features a sleek and elegant design and looks quite attractive. Store all your favourite videos, movies, songs and more - the 1 TB HDD makes sure that you are never short on space. Lose yourself in the immersive visuals, thanks to its 39.62 cm display and the NVIDIA GeForce GT 940MX graphics. Experience seamless multitasking as Asus R558UQ laptop comes with 4 GB of DDR4 RAM and an Intel Core i5 processor (7th Gen). You never have to worry about not having enough space on your laptop. This Asus laptop comes with 1 TB HDD to store all that you want, there is ample space. ASUS laptops are well-known for their affordability, style, features, and more. This Taiwan-based company is famous for staying ahead of the game in terms of innovation. And, despite manufacturing laptops as low as twenty thousand rupees, they incorporate features that you may find in high-end laptops as well. With laptops ranging from 2 GB of DDR3 RAM to 8 GB of DDR4 RAM, these laptops boast brilliant performance levels. If you like to multitask, then Asus is your go-to brand. They will let you switch between your favourite movie and your spreadsheet quickly. The Intel and AMD processor further add to its performance levels.\\n The ultrabook laptops are ideal for everyday use and come with Intel Dual Core processor that will let enjoy seamless multitasking. These Asus laptops are sleek, compact and can be easily carried with you anywhere you go. The HD LED-backlit display will let you enjoy your favourite movies, shows, and videos with rich clarity. Some models come with built-in speakers with SonicMaster technology that will let you enjoy stunning sound with deep bass. Most of the Asus netbooks come with Intel Atom quad-core processor that will let you enjoy a great computing experience.\\n The Intelligent Thermal design delivers maximum cooling efficiency and makes sure that your laptop is stable at all times. The built-in speakers are designed to deliver powerful and crisp audio. Equipped with the 7th-generation Intel Core i7 processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 series graphics card, this gaming laptop delivers an impressive performance. Experience breathtaking visuals on the 39.62 cm full HD panel. The matte finish ensures there is no glare or reflections on the screen to provide you with a distraction-free gaming experience. 8 GB of DDR4 RAM makes for fast speed and incredible energy efficiency. The array microphones are designed to filter out ambient noise - so, enjoy con calls without any interruptions.\\n Bring home the Asus Core i3 6th Gen laptop and take your computing experience to the next level. Toggle between multiple apps without any interruptions as this laptop comes with an Intel Core i3 processor (6th Gen) and 4 GB of DDR4 RAM. Enjoy captivating visuals on its 39.62 cm screen. The 3 cell battery gives you long hours of uninterrupted usage. Store all that you want - movies, songs and more on its 1 TB HDD. Asus X541UA laptop built-in speakers deliver crisp and clear audio. It features a sleek and elegant design and looks quite attractive.\\n 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Hot Hollywood Movies Online Watch Horror Thriller Movies Hot Hollywood Movies Online Watch Horror Thriller Movies ->>->>->> James Wan has staked out a place among the modern masters of horror, directing films like Saw, Dead Silence, Insidious, and this inspired-by-true-events chiller based on the experiences of real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. The Warrens, best known for their work on the strange case that inspired the Amityville Horror movies (which played a part in The Conjuring 2), were portrayed by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, who grounded the effective jump scares and freak-out moments with a believable world-weariness. Together, Wan and his co-leads found fresh terror in familiar genre tropes, and the end result is a sprawling cinematic universe that only continues to grow. #43 Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) 61% #43 Adjusted Score: 71693% Critics Consensus: If you only watch one art-world satire with horror overtones this year -- or most others -- it should probably be Velvet Buzzsaw. Synopsis: After paintings by an unknown artist are discovered, a supernatural force enacts revenge on those who have allowed their greed... [More] Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Toni Collette, John Malkovich Directed By: Dan Gilroy #42 Jaws 2 (1978) 61% #42 Adjusted Score: 61415% Critics Consensus: Jaws 2 never approaches the lingering thrills of its classic predecessor, but it's reasonably entertaining for a sequel that has no reason to exist. Synopsis: Years after the shark attacks that left Amity Island reeling, Sheriff Martin Brody (Roy Scheider) finds new trouble lurking in... [More] Starring: Roy Scheider, Lorraine Gary, Murray Hamilton, Joseph Mascolo Directed By: Jeannot Szwarc #41 Unfriended (2014) 61% #41 Adjusted Score: 67685% Critics Consensus: Unfriended subverts found-footage horror clichés to deliver a surprisingly scary entry in the teen slasher genre with a technological twist. Synopsis: One night, while teenagers Blaire, Mitch, Jess, Adam Ken and Val take part in an online group chat session, they... [More] Starring: Shelley Hennig, Moses Storm, Renee Olstead, Will Peltz Directed By: Levan Gabriadze #40 Bird Box (2018) 64% #40 Adjusted Score: 71892% Critics Consensus: Bird Box never quite reaches its intriguing potential, but strong acting and an effectively chilly mood offer intermittently creepy compensation. Synopsis: When a mysterious force decimates the population, only one thing is certain -- if you see it, you die. The... [More] Starring: Sandra Bullock, Trevante Rhodes, Jacki Weaver, Rosa Salazar Directed By: Susanne Bier #39 Before I Wake (2016) 66% #39 Adjusted Score: 67539% Critics Consensus: Beware this waking nightmare: Before I Wake isn't always lucid enough to escape its wobbly story, but crafts a neat horror landscape of grief. Synopsis: Foster parents Mark and Jessie welcome 8-year-old Cody into their home. The boy tells Jessie that he's terrified to fall... [More] Starring: Kate Bosworth, Thomas Jane, Annabeth Gish, Dash Mihok Directed By: Mike Flanagan #38 We Summon the Darkness (2019) 68% #38 Adjusted Score: 71788% Critics Consensus: We Summon the Darkness makes the most of its rather pedestrian plot with palpable affection for genre formula, an appealing cast, and a sharp sense of humor. Synopsis: Three best friends cross paths with sadistic killers after they travel to a secluded country home to party.... [More] Starring: Alexandra Daddario, Keean Johnson, Johnny Knoxville, Logan Miller Directed By: Marc Meyers #37 The Perfection (2018) 71% #37 Adjusted Score: 75877% Critics Consensus: Led by a pair of compelling performances, The Perfection is a smart, gripping thriller that barbs its wild twists with cutting wit. Synopsis: A troubled musical prodigy and a new star pupil embark down a sinister path.... [More] Starring: Allison Williams, Logan Browning, Steven Weber, Alaina Huffman Directed By: Richard Shepard #36 The Babysitter (2017) 71% #36 Adjusted Score: 72031% Critics Consensus: Enjoyable if not particularly original, The Babysitter makes the most of its familiar genre ingredients with energetic direction and a killer cast. Synopsis: When Cole stays up past his bedtime, he discovers that his hot baby sitter belongs to a satanic cult that... [More] Starring: Bella Thorne, Judah Lewis, Hana Mae Lee, Robbie Amell Directed By: McG #35 Piercing (2018) 72% #35 Adjusted Score: 76977% Critics Consensus: Stylish with a sadistic streak, Piercing pairs gripping lead performances with a smartly macabre story that delivers unpredictable thrills. Synopsis: After kissing his wife and baby goodbye for a seemingly normal business trip, Reed checks himself into a hotel room... [More] Starring: Christopher Abbott, Mia Wasikowska, Laia Costa, Marin Ireland Directed By: Nicolas Pesce #34 The Ritual (2017) 74% #34 Adjusted Score: 78020% Critics Consensus: Director David Bruckner makes evocative use of the Scandinavian setting and a dedicated cast to deliver a handsome -- if familiar -- horror story. Synopsis: Reuniting after the tragic death of their friend, four college pals set out to hike through the Scandinavian wilderness. A... [More] Starring: Rafe Spall, Rob James-Collier, Arsher Ali, Sam Troughton Directed By: David Bruckner #33 Apostle (2018) 78% #33 Adjusted Score: 80871% Critics Consensus: Apostle resists easy scares in favor of a steady, slow-building descent into dread led by a commanding central performance from Dan Stevens. Synopsis: London, 1905. Prodigal son Thomas Richardson has returned home, only to learn that his sister is being held for ransom... [More] Starring: Dan Stevens, Lucy Boynton, Michael Sheen, Kristine Froseth Directed By: Gareth Evans #32 Cult of Chucky (2017) 78% #32 Adjusted Score: 78958% Critics Consensus: Old Dolls can learn new tricks: This little murderer with a facelift is sillier and better than ever thanks to Don Mancini's Cult of Chucky. Synopsis: Chucky returns to terrorize his human victim, Nica, who is confined to an asylum for the criminally insane. Meanwhile, the... [More] Starring: Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Alex Vincent Directed By: Don Mancini #31 The Platform (2019) 79% #31 Adjusted Score: 84476% Critics Consensus: While it may feel muddled at times, The Platform is an inventive and captivating dystopian thriller. Synopsis: In the future, prisoners housed in vertical cells watch as inmates in the upper cells are fed while those below... [More] Starring: Emilio Buale, Zorion Eguileor, Alexandra Masangkay, Ivan Massagué Directed By: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia #30 The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) 79% #30 Adjusted Score: 98387% Critics Consensus: The Killing of a Sacred Deer continues director Yorgos Lanthimos' stubbornly idiosyncratic streak -- and demonstrates again that his is a talent not to be ignored. Synopsis: Dr. Steven Murphy is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon who presides over a spotless household with his wife and two children.... [More] Starring: Bill Camp, Raffey Cassidy, Denise Dal Vera, Colin Farrell Directed By: Yorgos Lanthimos #29 The Conjuring 2 (2016) 80% #29 Adjusted Score: 94180% Critics Consensus: The Conjuring 2 can't help but lose a bit of its predecessor's chilly sting through familiarity, but what remains is still a superior ghost story told with spine-tingling skill. Synopsis: In 1977, paranormal investigators Ed (Patrick Wilson) and Lorraine Warren come out of a self-imposed sabbatical to travel to Enfield,... [More] Starring: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Madison Wolfe, Frances O'Connor Directed By: James Wan #28 What Keeps You Alive (2018) 80% #28 Adjusted Score: 81929% Critics Consensus: Smart, stylish, and well-acted, What Keeps You Alive proves it's still possible to spin an engrossing horror yarn without fundamentally altering established formula. Synopsis: Jackie and Jules are a couple celebrating their first anniversary at a secluded cabin in the woods belonging to Jackie's... [More] Starring: Hannah Emily Anderson, Brittany Allen, Martha MacIsaac, Joey Klein Directed By: Colin Minihan #27 Await Further Instructions (2018) 81% #27 Adjusted Score: 81098% Critics Consensus: A yuletide nightmare full of familial angst and slithering scares, Await Further Instructions is a genre treat that pretty much any horror fan will want in their stocking. Synopsis: On Christmas Day, a family wakes up to find a mysterious black substance surrounding its house, and its TV screen... [More] Starring: David Bradley, Abigail Cruttenden, Holly Weston, Sam Gittins Directed By: Johnny Kevorkian #26 Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021) 84% #26 Adjusted Score: 88806% Critics Consensus: Fear Street Part One: 1994 kicks off the trilogy in promising fashion, honoring the source material with plenty of retro slasher appeal. Synopsis: A circle of teenage friends accidentally encounter the ancient evil responsible for a series of brutal murders that have plagued... [More] Starring: Kiana Madeira, Olivia Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr., Gillian Jacobs Directed By: Leigh Janiak #25 Girl on the Third Floor (2019) 82% #25 Adjusted Score: 83312% Critics Consensus: Girl on the Third Floor proves a good old-fashioned haunted house story can still be entertaining -- and put a fresh spin on established genre formula. Synopsis: A man tries to renovate a dilapidated house for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other... [More] Starring: CM Punk, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sarah Brooks, Elissa Dowling Directed By: Travis Stevens #24 The Conjuring (2013) 86% #24 Adjusted Score: 94512% Critics Consensus: Well-crafted and gleefully creepy, The Conjuring ratchets up dread through a series of effective old-school scares. Synopsis: In 1970, paranormal investigators and demonologists Lorraine (Vera Farmiga) and Ed (Patrick Wilson) Warren are summoned to the home of... [More] Starring: Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston Directed By: James Wan #23 It Comes at Night (2017) 88% #23 Adjusted Score: 105791% Critics Consensus: It Comes at Night makes lethally effective use of its bare-bones trappings while proving once again that what's left unseen can be just as horrifying as anything on the screen. Synopsis: After a mysterious apocalypse leaves the world with few survivors, two families are forced to share a home in an... [More] Starring: Joel Edgerton, Christopher Abbott, Carmen Ejogo, Riley Keough Directed By: Trey Edward Shults #22 #Alive (2020) 88% #22 Adjusted Score: 88688% Critics Consensus: Well-acted, genuinely unsettling, and occasionally even funny, #alive proves the crowded zombie genre still has fresh stories to tell. Synopsis: A rapidly spreading infection leaves one survivor in the entire city.... [More] Starring: Yoo Ah-in, Park Shin-hye, Jeon Bae-soo, Lee Hyun-wook Directed By: Il Cho #21 The Ravenous (2017) 88% #21 Adjusted Score: 88726% Critics Consensus: Uncommonly restrained for a movie about a flesh-eating menace, Ravenous offers a satisfyingly nuanced entry in the crowded zombie apocalypse subgenre. Synopsis: A village in Quebec is terrorized by a flesh-eating plague.... [More] Starring: Marc-André Grondin, Monia Chokri, Charlotte St-Martin, Micheline Lanctôt Directed By: Robin Aubert #20 Cargo (2017) 87% #20 Adjusted Score: 90028% Critics Consensus: Cargo takes a refreshingly character-driven approach to the zombie genre that's further distinguished by its Australian setting and Martin Freeman's terrific lead performance. Synopsis: Stranded in rural Australia in the aftermath of a violent pandemic, an infected father desperately seeks a new home for... [More] Starring: Martin Freeman, Anthony Hayes, Susie Porter, Simone Landers Directed By: Ben Howling, Yolanda Ramke #19 Freaks (2018) 88% #19 Adjusted Score: 92044% Critics Consensus: Stocked with solid performances, Freaks is a clever sci-fi/horror hybrid that suggests a bright future for co-writers/co-directors Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein. Synopsis: Kept locked inside the house by her father, 7-year-old Chloe lives in fear and fascination of the outside world. It's... [More] Starring: Emile Hirsch, Bruce Dern, Lexy Kolker, Amanda Crew Directed By: Adam B. Stein, Zach Lipovsky #18 Fear Street Part Two: 1978 (2021) 87% #18 Adjusted Score: 91506% Critics Consensus: A smart and subversive twist on slasher horror, Fear Street Part II: 1978 shows that summer camp has never been scarier thanks to stellar performances from Sadie Sink, Emily Rudd, and Ryan Simpkins. Synopsis: Shadyside, 1978. School's out for summer and the activities at Camp Nightwing are about to begin. But when another Shadysider... [More] Starring: Sadie Sink, Emily Rudd, Ryan Simpkins, Chiara Aurelia Directed By: Leigh Janiak #17 Emelie (2015) 89% #17 Adjusted Score: 90092% Critics Consensus: No consensus yet. Synopsis: A young boy (Joshua Rush) tries to protect his two siblings when their new baby sitter (Sarah Bolger) starts to... [More] Starring: Sarah Bolger, Joshua Rush, Carly Adams, Thomas Bair Directed By: Michael Thelin #16 Creep (2014) 90% #16 Adjusted Score: 90281% Critics Consensus: A smart, oddball take on found-footage horror, Creep is clever and well-acted enough to keep viewers on the edges of their seats. Synopsis: Aaron answers an online ad and drives to a stranger's house to film him for the day. The man wants... [More] Starring: Mark Duplass, Patrick Brice Directed By: Patrick Brice #15 The Invitation (2015) 89% #15 Adjusted Score: 94574% Critics Consensus: The Invitation makes brilliant use of its tension-rich premise to deliver a uniquely effective -- and surprisingly clever -- slow-building thriller. Synopsis: While attending a dinner party at his former house, a man (Logan Marshall-Green) starts to believe that his ex-wife (Tammy... [More] Starring: Logan Marshall-Green, Tammy Blanchard, Michiel Huisman, Emayatzy Corinealdi Directed By: Karyn Kusama #14 Zombieland (2009) 89% #14 Adjusted Score: 98845% Critics Consensus: Wickedly funny and featuring plenty of gore, Zombieland is proof that the zombie subgenre is far from dead. Synopsis: After a virus turns most people into zombies, the world's surviving humans remain locked in an ongoing battle against the... [More] Starring: Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin Directed By: Ruben Fleischer #13 Fear Street Part Three: 1666 (2021) 88% #13 Adjusted Score: 92055% Critics Consensus: Fear Street Part Three: 1666 sends the slasher series back in time for a trilogy-concluding installment that caps things off on a screaming high note. Synopsis: The origins of Sarah Fier's curse are finally revealed as history comes full circle on a night that changes the... [More] Starring: Kiana Madeira, Ashley Zukerman, Gillian Jacobs, Olivia Welch Directed By: Leigh Janiak #12 Vampires vs. The Bronx (2019) 90% #12 Adjusted Score: 91832% Critics Consensus: In the sharp, socially conscious battle of Vampires vs. the Bronx, comedy and horror blend brilliantly -- and the audience is the winner. Synopsis: A group of friends band together to save their neighborhood from vampires.... [More] Starring: Jaden Michael, Gregory Diaz IV, Sarah Gadon, Shea Whigham Directed By: Osmany Rodriguez #11 1922 (2017) 92% #11 Adjusted Score: 94551% Critics Consensus: Thanks to director Zak Hilditch's patient storytelling and strong work from lead Thomas Jane, 1922 ranks among the more satisfying Stephen King adaptations. Synopsis: A rancher conspires to murder his wife for financial gain and convinces his teenage son to participate.... [More] Starring: Thomas Jane, Neal McDonough, Molly Parker, Brian d'Arcy James Directed By: Zak Hilditch #10 Gerald's Game (2017) 91% #10 Adjusted Score: 95949% Critics Consensus: Carla Gugino carries Gerald's Game's small-scale suspense with a career-defining performance. Synopsis: A woman accidentally kills her husband during a kinky game. Handcuffed to her bed with no hope of rescue, she... [More] Starring: Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood, Henry Thomas, Carel Struycken Directed By: Mike Flanagan #9 Hush (2016) 93% #9 Adjusted Score: 95110% Critics Consensus: Hush navigates the bloody waters of home invasion thrillers and incisive slashers for a contemporary horror puree. Synopsis: A deaf woman is stalked by a killer in her home.... [More] Starring: John Gallagher Jr., Kate Siegel, Michael Trucco, Samantha Sloyan Directed By: Mike Flanagan #8 Cam (2018) 93% #8 Adjusted Score: 97335% Critics Consensus: Smart and suspenseful, CAM is a techno-thriller that's far more than the sum of its salacious parts -- and an outstanding showcase for Madeline Brewer in the leading role. Synopsis: A camgirl has her principles, until a mysterious woman who looks just like her takes over her channel.... [More] Starring: Madeline Brewer, Patch Darragh, Melora Walters, Devin Druid Directed By: Daniel Goldhaber #7 Sweetheart (2019) 93% #7 Adjusted Score: 94434% Critics Consensus: Carried by Kiersey Clemons' performance, Sweetheart balances smart subtext and social commentary against effective genre thrills. Synopsis: A shipwreck survivor on an uninhabited island must fend off a malevolent force that surfaces each night.... [More] Starring: Emory Cohen, Kiersey Clemons, Hanna Mangan Lawrence Directed By: J.D. Dillard #6 Pan's Labyrinth (2006) 95% #6 Adjusted Score: 103826% Critics Consensus: Pan's Labyrinth is Alice in Wonderland for grown-ups, with the horrors of both reality and fantasy blended together into an extraordinary, spellbinding fable. Synopsis: In 1944 Spain young Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her ailing mother (Ariadna Gil) arrive at the post of her mother's... [More] Starring: Sergi López, Maribel Verdú, Ivana Baquero, Álex Angulo Directed By: Guillermo del Toro #5 The Old Ways (2021) 95% #5 Adjusted Score: 96098% Critics Consensus: A demonic possession movie with impressive depth, The Old Ways uses familiar genre ingredients to cast a uniquely gripping spell. Synopsis: Deep in the Veracruz jungles, Mexican American journalist Cristina Lopez is held captive by a mysterious bruja, or witch doctor... [More] Starring: Brigitte Kali Canales, Andrea Cortes, Julia Vera, Sal Lopez Directed By: Christopher Alender #4 Jaws (1975) 97% #4 Adjusted Score: 105541% Critics Consensus: Compelling, well-crafted storytelling and a judicious sense of terror ensure Steven Spielberg's Jaws has remained a benchmark in the art of delivering modern blockbuster thrills. Synopsis: When a young woman is killed by a shark while skinny-dipping near the New England tourist town of Amity Island,... [More] Starring: Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary Directed By: Steven Spielberg #3 Under the Shadow (2016) 99% #3 Adjusted Score: 103558% Critics Consensus: Under the Shadow deftly blends seemingly disparate genres to deliver an effective chiller with timely themes and thought-provoking social subtext. Synopsis: After Shideh's building is hit by a missile during the Iran-Iraq War, a superstitious neighbor suggests that the missile was... [More] Starring: Narges Rashidi, Avin Manshadi, Bobby Naderi, Ray Haratian Directed By: Babak Anvari #2 Creep 2 (2017) 100% #2 Adjusted Score: 100886% Critics Consensus: Creep 2 has everything that made the original work and more -- more laughs, more awkwardness, more unsettling terror. Synopsis: A video artist quickly realizes she has made a mistake when she meets a serial killer in a cabin.... [More] Starring: Mark Duplass, Karan Soni, Patrick Brice, Desiree Akhavan Directed By: Patrick Brice #1 His House (2020) 100% #1 Adjusted Score: 107230% Critics Consensus: Featuring genuine scares through every corridor, His House is a terrifying look at the specters of the refugee experience and a stunning feature debut for Remi Weekes. Synopsis: A refugee couple makes a harrowing escape from war-torn South Sudan, but then they struggle to adjust to their new... [More] Starring: Wunmi Mosaku, Sope Dirisu, Matt Smith, Cornell John Directed By: Remi Weekes 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
En El Blanco - Ken Follett.pdf Click Here >> En el blanco es una obra maestra del thriller, un género que Follett crea y recrea una y otra vez en sus obras Y esta es particularmente cuando se empieza no puede dejarse, hasta conocer el desenlace. 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
We Found 1042 Resources For You.. Click Here ::: RESIDENT ALIEN: If you were a resident alien at the end of the 2022 calendar year, you can electronically file your return, complete forms found at, or pay a tax professional to prepare your return, but all other factors below are the same. You will file a 1040 form. Fellowship payments, though not reported on a 1042-S, may still be required to be reported on your returns. If you did not receive your 1042-S form(s) or need another one, you may request a duplicate by emailing University Payroll Services at, sending postal mail to 3500 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 212, Los Angeles, CA 90089-8016, or inter-campus to mail code 8016. Include your full name at the time of your employment or payment, your date of birth, your employee number (7 digit found on your Workday payslip) AND your USC ID number (10 digit found on your USC Card), and your mailing instructions. The processing time is 3 to 5 working days after we receive your request. In order to transmit 1042-S informational text files electronically through Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) system, you must have suitable software, a service provider, or an in-house programmer that will create the file in the proper format per IRS requirements and record layouts found in publication 1187. Unfortunately, a scanned or PDF copy will not be accepted. Fellowship/Scholarship Information Letter Explanation of the Fellowship/Scholarship Information LetterAdvanced Opportunity Fellow; Fellow; Grad Intern or Trainee; Post-Doc Fellow, Scholar or Trainee; Scholar; Trainee will receive an Information Letter. (Nonresident Aliens receiving a stipend on income code 16 and others who had tax withheld on scholarship/fellowship stipends will receive a 1042-S). For more resources, visit IRS Tax Information for Students. 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
We Found 1042 Resources For You.. Click Here ::: RESIDENT ALIEN: If you were a resident alien at the end of the 2022 calendar year, you can electronically file your return, complete forms found at, or pay a tax professional to prepare your return, but all other factors below are the same. You will file a 1040 form. Fellowship payments, though not reported on a 1042-S, may still be required to be reported on your returns. If you did not receive your 1042-S form(s) or need another one, you may request a duplicate by emailing University Payroll Services at, sending postal mail to 3500 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 212, Los Angeles, CA 90089-8016, or inter-campus to mail code 8016. Include your full name at the time of your employment or payment, your date of birth, your employee number (7 digit found on your Workday payslip) AND your USC ID number (10 digit found on your USC Card), and your mailing instructions. The processing time is 3 to 5 working days after we receive your request. In order to transmit 1042-S informational text files electronically through Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) system, you must have suitable software, a service provider, or an in-house programmer that will create the file in the proper format per IRS requirements and record layouts found in publication 1187. Unfortunately, a scanned or PDF copy will not be accepted. Fellowship/Scholarship Information Letter Explanation of the Fellowship/Scholarship Information LetterAdvanced Opportunity Fellow; Fellow; Grad Intern or Trainee; Post-Doc Fellow, Scholar or Trainee; Scholar; Trainee will receive an Information Letter. (Nonresident Aliens receiving a stipend on income code 16 and others who had tax withheld on scholarship/fellowship stipends will receive a 1042-S). For more resources, visit IRS Tax Information for Students. 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões Gerais
Gintama' (2015) Episode 19 Download File ===== The episodes of the Japanese anime series Gintama were animated by Sunrise. The first 99 episodes were directed by Shinji Takamatsu. Episodes 100 to 105 were directed by Takamatsu and Yoichi Fujita, while following episodes only by Fujita.[1] It premiered on TV Tokyo on April 4, 2006, and finished on March 25, 2010 with a total of 201 episodes.[2][3] The anime is based on Hideaki Sorachi's manga of the same name.[4] The story revolves around an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata, his apprentice, Shinpachi Shimura, and a teenage alien girl named Kagura. All three are freelancers who search for work in order to pay the monthly rent, which usually goes unpaid anyway. On January 8, 2009, the streaming video service Crunchyroll began offering English subtitled episodes of the series. On the same day, Crunchyroll also began uploading episodes from the beginning of the series at a rate of two a week.[13] The anime is licensed by Sentai Filmworks, with distribution from Section23 Films. Section23 Films' Chris Oarr commented that only the first two seasons were licensed, with an option on the rest.[14] The first collection containing thirteen English-subtitled episodes was released on DVD on April 27, 2010.[14][15] While the original anime series ended with the fourth season, a sequel series, titled Gintama' and directed by Yoichi Fujita, began airing on April 4, 2011 and concluded on March 28, 2013 after sixty-four episodes.[16] A third anime series, Gintama, was produced by BN Pictures with Chizuru Miyawaki directing. This series lasted fifty-one episodes and was broadcast from on April 8, 2015 to March 30, 2016. Due to her father not remarrying again after Kyuubei's mother died, he decided to raise Kyuubei as a man, and, as such, she usually acts in a rather masculine way. She is shown to dislike when men try to touch her, and tend to reflexively throw them over her shoulder. However, when she caught Gintoki's hand when she was about to fall off the spaceship during the Goukon episode, she didn't throw him possibly due to the respect gained for him after the Yagyuu arc. After Kyuubei and her group were defeated by Shinpachi's group in the same arc, Kyuubei is shown to have become softer, and at times, shown to have a feminine side. Updated on April 19th, 2021 by Sean Cubillas. Since the original version of this list was written, the Gintama manga had officially came to its end and the anime released its final movie in Japan. For years, Gintama proved time and again why it was like no other series. Its masterful fusion of endearing Shounen tropes as well as anime satire that is currently rivaled by no other are what made its final moments so hard to watch. Fans just knew that this was the end of an era. And, as many reflect on what made Gintama so great of a series, it's time to look back at even more of the anime's best episodes. If this episode proves anything, it's that people should really spring for a good lawyer, lest they have to depend on Sakata Gintoki wearing glasses. \"Men, Be A Madao\" is the glorious courtroom parody in the series that has Gin try to defend Madao from a sentencing for a huge mishap at the train station. Things go as well as one would expect from a guy whose only legal defense is wasting people's time and making fun of the prosecutor. This episode is famous for its extended Heidi metaphor, and the fact that the prosecutor uses an actual Gintama VHS tape as evidence during the trial. One cannot talk about Gintama without referencing their ever talented, ever irreverent policing force, the Shinsengumi. They are, of course, only a reference to the original Shinsengumi and should not be affiliated in any way to accuracy in Japanese history. Case in point, this episode showcases their ongoing battle with cleaning just their bathrooms, fighting off the filth in their toilets. As Gintama reached the end of another cour, the Odd Jobs trio fondly reflects in this episode on their status as a Shounen series and quickly realize that they probably have to end this show at some point. Most anime, Gintama included, don't often make Christmas episodes, but there really is something special about Gintama's Santa Arc. Kagura's father, Umibozu, has regretfully been away from his daughter due to his job slaying aliens in space. However, he decides to make a real effort during this holiday to spend time with his daughter, and he dresses up as Santa Clause as a big surprise. Lots of anime have beach episodes, and Gintama has one of the best out there. When Odd Jobs is hired to act as the life guards at the local pool, things quickly get out of hand when all of their friends simultaneously decide to spend the day poolside. As per usual, the Odd Jobs crew isn't taking the job entirely seriously, that is, until the Shogun Shige Shige shows up. A 12 episode anime series from the 2014 Summer season about a calligrapher named Handa Seishu who was exiled to a small island because he punched a famous calligrapher. In episode 6, Handa's friend since middle school, Kawafuji, visits him and was describing how much of a handful Handa was. He mentions that when Handa gets depressed, he walls himself off and we see an AT-Field. In Binbogami ga!, or The God Of Poverty is! or Good Luck Girl!, a show about Momiji, a poverty god, who attempts to take away the happiness energy surrounded by the other main character, Sakura, in episode 4, there's a Lance of Longinus that makes an appearance in the background: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is a harem-ish school romance/comedy that started airing in October 2011 which features a boy main character that recently transferred schools. One of the girls, Rika Shiguma, one of the love interests, is a fujoshi and likes doujins featuring mecha and sex. In episode 4, she's describing one of these doujins that features a Gundam ZZ and Evangelion Unit-02. Burn Up W, a 4 episode OVA release starting in April of 1996. Although it was released the same year the Evangelion TV Series was aired, in episode 2, Nanvel produces a robot named \"El Heggunte'\" which is very obviously a reference to Evangelion Unit-01. There is a sequence of Nanvel's display with a timer and text scrolling by. The text is the episode list of the Evangelion TV Series. In the second half of episode 8 of Burn Up Excess, the follow-up TV series, Rio Kinezono and Lilica Ebett perform a synchronized somersault and double kick like Eva-01 and Eva-02 do in Episode 08. Also in the second half of episode 8, a giant transvestite performs a rush and somersault mimicking Eva-01 in Episode 02 against Sachiel. Carnival Phantasm is a 12 episode OVA that consist of parodies of popular Type-Moon characters from series like Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night. In episode 12, Shiki is holding a bunch of movie tickets and one of them has a picture of Mari Makinami in her plugsuit. Elf ban Kakyuusei is a 4 episode OVA that was released in November of 1997 and based on a dating sim. In episode 4, during a scene in a theatre, several characters from Evangelion are clearly depicted sitting in the theatre. Gear Fighter Dendoh is a lesser-known mecha series by the Gundam SEED director Mitsuo Fukuda. The show makes numerous humorous references to older mecha shows, and two of its episodes are largely dedicated for parodying Evangelion. Episode 14 of Gear Fighter Dendoh is practically Evangelion's Episode 6 on super robot crack. When the Gulfer aliens use a swarm of tiny machine beasts to sap all electricity from Earth's power plants, GEAR HQ must devise an alternate way to recharge their battery-powered giant robot. Their ingenious solution is to harness together a huge number of small stand-alone power sources, including gasoline-powered generators, car and motorcycle engines, bicycle dynamos and even batteries from household appliances and children's toys. The ludicrous recharging operation becomes a race against time as a huge, slowly-crawling machine beast (looking vaguely like a cross-breed between Ramiel and Matarael) begins to home in on Dendoh's location in the mountains. In the ensuing beam sniping match Dendoh's Final Attack pushes back the machine beast's beam, destroying the invader. The episode ends with a public service announcement urging viewers to save electricity. In Super Robot Wars MX, the series roster of which includes both Evangelion and Dendoh, their respective episode scenarios are combined and Operation Yashima is powered by people pedaling bicycles. (See Deranged's walkthrough on Gamefaqs.) Dendoh's episode 18 is another, less inventive medley of Evangelion spoofs. Gulfer emperor's pet, Ragoh, has infected Dendoh's Data Weapons with a deadly computer virus, which is now slowly taking over their bodies. Scientists at the GEAR base desperately try to counterhack the virus (mimicking Evangelion's Episode 13), but when their attempts prove unsuccesful, the Dendoh pilots are sent to retrieve a sample of Ragoh's body from the bottom of the Japan Trench so that a vaccine could be based on it. The descent to the bottom of the Trench mimics Evangelion's Episode 10, and the subsequent battle against a marine-adapted machine beast recycles imagery from Episode 08. In the second season of the Genshiken anime, near the end of episode 2 you can see 2 stacks of doujin on a table. The one on the right features Asuka and Rei in bikinis on the cover and Asuka is holding a beach ball that looks like Leliel. In volume 7, chapter 39, of the manga, when Ohno's 2 friends Susanna Hopkins from the States come to visit, one of her friends, Sue, introduces herself by saying \"Anta Baka\", a saying made popular by Asuka. The reference is made even more evident in episode 10 of the second season TV series where she even mimics the way Asuka says it. (Sue's outfit - a dress andd two hair-ties - also somewhat resembles Asuka's outfit when she first appeared in \"Asuka Strikes!\" using that phrase.) Ohno then tells her she can't just say stuff like that and that she's lucky Madarame (the person she says it to) understands that it's a parody (of Evangelion). 59ce067264
09 de abr. de 2023
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