We Found 1042 Resources For You..
Click Here ::: https://urloso.com/2tkS8t
RESIDENT ALIEN: If you were a resident alien at the end of the 2022 calendar year, you can electronically file your return, complete forms found at www.irs.gov, or pay a tax professional to prepare your return, but all other factors below are the same. You will file a 1040 form. Fellowship payments, though not reported on a 1042-S, may still be required to be reported on your returns.
If you did not receive your 1042-S form(s) or need another one, you may request a duplicate by emailing University Payroll Services at payroll@usc.edu, sending postal mail to 3500 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 212, Los Angeles, CA 90089-8016, or inter-campus to mail code 8016. Include your full name at the time of your employment or payment, your date of birth, your employee number (7 digit found on your Workday payslip) AND your USC ID number (10 digit found on your USC Card), and your mailing instructions. The processing time is 3 to 5 working days after we receive your request.
In order to transmit 1042-S informational text files electronically through Filing Information Returns Electronically (FIRE) system, you must have suitable software, a service provider, or an in-house programmer that will create the file in the proper format per IRS requirements and record layouts found in publication 1187. Unfortunately, a scanned or PDF copy will not be accepted.
Fellowship/Scholarship Information Letter Explanation of the Fellowship/Scholarship Information LetterAdvanced Opportunity Fellow; Fellow; Grad Intern or Trainee; Post-Doc Fellow, Scholar or Trainee; Scholar; Trainee will receive an Information Letter. (Nonresident Aliens receiving a stipend on income code 16 and others who had tax withheld on scholarship/fellowship stipends will receive a 1042-S). For more resources, visit IRS Tax Information for Students. 59ce067264