Every time the seasons change, influenza always comes to your door unknowingly. These viruses come from all over the world. When you find yourself suddenly having a fever, vomiting and diarrhea, you will be surprised how careless you are and forget to take good care of it. Own. In addition, the terrible flu has set off a wave of panic in the parent world. As long as a child in the school catches a cold, the whole class will be suspended and quarantined. Parents are always worried about their children and are exhausted. They are also afraid that they will accidentally bring the flu virus home.
The Influenza Threat You Can't Take popular database Lightly The flu is different from the common cold. Colds are generally caused by rhinovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus, etc.; influenza is caused by influenza virus. Symptoms of the common cold are mainly concentrated in the respiratory tract, and except for young children under the age of three, most people do not have a fever. But flu symptoms vary and are often quite sudden. Some people start with a fever, headache, sore throat, then cough,
While others start with just tiredness, chills, body aches, and then suddenly have a fever. After the flu is treated, the fever will gradually subside, and if you have cough symptoms, it will ease after about 7 to 10 days. However, if the elderly or children are infected with influenza, the symptoms will not be relieved after medical treatment, but will further develop symptoms such as shortness of breath and unconsciousness, which may have turned into severe disease .