I am a beard, a wild product manager. In the growth period of the product manager position, industry norms and methodologies promoted the prosperity of the category email list post, but in the current mature period of saturated positions and serious involution, it is necessary to jump out of the norms and find new methodologies. to break the limit. Based on this, I began to try category email list to share my thoughts on product design and go wild to the end. This is the tenth in the series. The thinking in this article comes from Chapter 9 of Nonviolent Communication: Loving Yourself. As product designers, in addition to loving ourselves, we should love products more.
Once negative reviews of a product make us lose sight of the "beauty" of the product, we forget the "greatness" of the product and treat the product as category email list a burden. No one is perfect, and there is no perfect product. Negative reviews of products can come from users, businesses, operations, sales, customer service... all those who contact and use the product, or even category email list family members, friends... who do not contact and use the product. The negative evaluations of users with different roles will be reflected in three aspects: A. online negative comments, offline negative comments, and C. usage behavior. A and C can collect and analyze data, while B is difficult to obtain, but it will eventually be expressed in on C.
Negativeness from the participants' family and friends was mainly caused by the product's impact on their lives. 996, 007 seriously affected our quality of life. In addition, the social impact of the product also affects the employees' families to a certain extent. These three category email list types of negative influences can be passed on to each other, the bad feelings of users can be passed on to employees, and the negative feelings of employees can be passed on to family members and friends category email list. The reverse is also true. The negative emotions of family members are passed on to employees, and employees work with negative emotions, causing product problems, which ultimately affect users' feelings and generate negative evaluations.